Ariake Gymnastics Centre

The Ariake Gymnastics Centre is designed to function in two phases; initially as the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic facility, then, after taking out the temporary spectator stands, it will be converted into a permanent exhibition hall. A unique feature of this facility is its extensive and generous use of timber throughout the building. The material was selected to express the memory of the site which was once a timber storage pond. Timber is used wherever possible, specifically in the roof frame structure, facade, spectator seats, exterior walls, etc. While carefully considering the characteristics of wood in each application.

Project Information

竣工。2019年11月 世界蹦床选手权大会使用。 预计2021年7月东京奥运会、残奥会使用。
NIKKEN SEKKEISD:8 months DD:9 months

Consultant firms

株式会社日建设计、清水建设株式会社(基本设计・实施设计监修・监理:日建设计 实施设计:清水建设 技术指导:斋藤公男)


高桥秀通, 石原政幸
日建设计:胜矢武之、大庭拓也、高桥惠多、松丸真佑美 清水建设:石原政幸、长嶺博、圆山雄太郎、石川慎一朗、铃木康二郎、斋藤公男(技术指导)