China Yinghai Company

The sales of Beijing 500 flat limit commercial office is a century-old problem facing the real estate circle. Yinghai metropolis is a multi-format comprehensive business center built by zhonghai with the standard of high-quality office buildings, and the sales is extremely urgent.Redefining the new model of urban business in the non-traditional business district, creatively creating a compound space integrating business/social/leisure functions, and exploring a new sales model. While others are still thinking about the direction, zhonghai is already on the road.The target customers of the project are urban elites, who not only need a sense of ceremony in their work and life, but also need their own “space freedom”.The design builds an “Avalon” that satisfies the multi-scene switch and creates a harmonious link between nature, urban elites and cities, and re-interprets the new international Oriental aesthetics with modern western materials.

Project Information

8 weeks

Consultant firms



赵巍 刘鑫 代晓晴 刘晓芬 姜超 王保清