Unisa Palace in Niushou mountain

  • Background

Niushou Mountain is the birthplace of Niutou Culture in the history. The JinLing Buddhism Temple drawing shows us that during the most prosperous time of Niushou Mountain, it was crowded with temples.Because of the losing west peak of the existing NiuShou Mountain. It created a wrecked natural view.

  • Design concept

The core of scenic area construction is as follows: fixing the heavenly peaks, meaning restoring mountain massif and recovering twin peaks; building underground palace, meaning making use of the natural pit to build Usnisa Palace for enshrining Usnisa; renovating the sacred road, meaning expanding original tunnel for exhibiting Sakyamuni’s life story and understanding the way to become Buddha; revealing twin pagodas, meaning constructing Usnisa Pagoda and reproducing the grand pattern of twin pagodas; spreading five levels of Chan(Zen Buddhism) and understanding the atmosphere of Chan in rivers and mountains.

  • Culture

Building underground Buddhist palace under the two peaks and displaying Buddhism and Chan culture in Niushou Mountain.

  • Fuction

Providing a secured and suitable environment for storage of Usnia.

Constructing Usnisa Worshipping Palace for long-term enshrinement of Usnisa.

Museum, cafeteria, conference center and other sections.


Project Information

Nanjing NIUSHOUSHAN Cultural Tourism Development Co. Ltd.
136,000 ㎡
136,000 ㎡

Consultant firms

East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Limited


Wei Li