
Project Status已竣工使用
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2019 - 12 - 10
Design cycle3 month
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province重庆
Project Location City重庆市渝北区
Project description(Chinese)项目基地自然条件优越。朝气蓬勃校园和全新的住区,引发我们对未来的展望与期待,使“扬帆启航”成为项目的设计主题。设计师将“帆”与“水”的抽象元素置于形体之中,建筑上部起翘的形态仿若扬帆,乘风破浪勇往直前;下部曲线形体仿若水面,强调曲线的柔美与张力,整个建筑仿若浮于水面的帆船。至简至纯 则至美,柔和的线条给予城市亲切的界面,采用纯粹与极简的白铝板拼接成灵动的弧线与张力的翘起,营造出独树一帜未来感。
Project description(English)The project base has superior natural conditions. The vibrant campus and brand-new residential areas have triggered our prospects and expectations for the future, making "Sailing Sail" the design theme of the project. The designer puts the abstract elements of "sail" and "water" in the shape. The upturned shape of the building resembles a sail, bravely riding the wind and waves; the lower curved shape resembles the surface of water, emphasizing the softness and tension of the curve, and the entire building resembles floating on the water. Sailing boat. The simplest to the pure is the most beautiful. The soft lines give the city a kind interface. The pure and minimal white aluminum panels are spliced into a flexible arc and the tension is lifted to create a unique sense of the future.
Project video