
Project Status完工
TypeInterior Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020 - 05 - 30
Design cycle2 month
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province辽宁省
Project Location City沈阳
Project description(Chinese)往往,自然的创造是最具生命意义的存在,而后被赋以层层寓意,以此成为情感的载体,并衍生出无限的价值与想象力,钻石,便是如此。华润置地打造的全球第三座瑞府——沈阳瑞府,旨在城市中心打造一处顶级人居的传世之作。飞视设计把精湛的钻石切割工艺转化为售楼空间的几何想象,是以设计连接现实的大胆尝试。人类不惜飞向太空,或者沉入地心,去探寻美好的象征之物,或纯粹、或坚固、或恒久,一如在居住中发现美好的初心。接待前台以钻石切割线条构成空间的立体交互,大理石广博的纹理中嵌入黑和金两种对比色系,让黑色更深邃,金色更耀目。
Project description(English)The ancient Greeks believed that a diamond was planetary debris fallen to earth and every piece of them possessed magic. Those who own the magic could gain eternal power, wealth, and happiness. The art of diamond cutting is the concept here, where geometry is used to play with space and art is employed to give technology a touch of life. The idea is to start with deconstructivism and use geometric shapes for cutting, so that the light, colors, space in various sequences can work with one another, to build a post-modern futuristic dwelling of fashion and aesthetics. Also, artworks of mineral elements interact with three-dimensional spaces that are deconstructed to construct a fashion and techno labyrinth. Once you set foot inside, the journey of treasure hunt begins. The designer got inspiration from fashion shows, obtained the subtle element of intangible purity, and used it for a brand-new design concept. Clear cut of lines and decorative arts allow the space to extend horizontally, so the lobby appears broad and open in a hidden and secret world.
Project video