
Project Status已建成
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2019
Design cycle1 year
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province广西
Project Location City柳州
Project description(Chinese)如柳州城市的喀斯特地貌,设计利用场地中各项独特条件作为导向,在建筑体上进行形体‘风化’。建筑与柳江、道路、公园、住宅等深度互动,融入大美江景,形成有机的城市空间和新城市地貌。矗立顶端的250m超高层办公与酒店综合塔楼对应南北形成45旋转面,避开了北面住宅楼的对视,同时形成塔楼两面江景和两面朝南的绝佳条件。商场与塔楼立面的交叉纹理匀而不乱,在不同日照角度下呈现出丰富多彩的光影变化,营造出舒适、美好的景象。
Project description(English)The architecture is inspired by the way natural landscapes are embedded within Liuzhou’s unique city fabric, drawing natural Karst formation into the design process. Starting with a featureless block signifying maximized coverage, urban relationships such as park extension and receding terraces on the east, display front for the highway to the south, pedestrianized shopping street fronting the residences to the north, urban forces make their impressions on the building form. The ‘weathering’ process makes intentionally placed 45 degree cuts to enlarge display frontages, and carefully placed ‘crevices’ responding to possible pedestrian circulations. Topping the entire urban complex is a 250m tower consisting offices and hotel. The tower’s square plan sits at a 45 degree angle, avoiding direct frontage with the residential towers on the north, at the same time maximizing the river view on the east, and increasing south facing frontages. The tower block is chamfered and cut in response to the different spatial and functional requirements, like a pitched skylight for recreational facilities and sky-gardens at the top of the tower. Both tower and podium façades use a play of patterns abstracted from the cutting of forms, forming shimmering layers reminiscent of Liu River under the sun.
Project video