
Project Status已建成
TypeLandscape Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020 - 12 - 01
Design cycle1 year
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province福建省
Project Location City漳州市
Project description(Chinese)建发•玺院项目地块位于碧湖生态园区内,基地东西长约210m,南北长约265m。东临湖滨路及碧湖生态公园,南临桂林路及城投•碧湖城市广场用地。 项目以山为躯,以水为脉,以徽派造园技艺,叠山理水,借景入画,集碧湖湖景、九龙江景与玺院园景三景相融,利用地理优势,因地制宜,打造求诗情画意相熔铸的情境理想人居。显示出含蓄、凝练、隽永,犹如诗歌的情调与韵律以及绘画般的构图形式和笔墨意趣。项目的“静街、深巷、芯院、花溪、山水园”,体现了中式审美的精华,院子和街巷、自然山水重回传统中国的记忆。
Project description(English)The site of Jianfa Xiyuan project is located in Bihu Ecological Park, which is the benchmark area of administration, Office, Finance, commerce and residence in the future central district of Zhangzhou. The project takes mountains as the body and water as the vein, takes the Huizhou School as the gardening technique, makes use of mountains and rivers, borrows the scenery to enter the painting, integrates the Green Lake scenery, the Jiulong River scenery and the imperial seal courtyard garden scenery, makes use of the geographical advantage, adapts measures according to local conditions, creating an ideal living environment for seeking the combination of poetry and painting. It shows implicitness, conciseness and meaningfulness, just like the sentiment and rhythm of poetry, as well as the composition and flavor of painting. The project "Jing Jie, Shen Xiang, Xin Yuan, Huaxi District, landscape garden" reflects the essence of Chinese aesthetic, courtyard and street, natural landscape back to the memory of traditional China.
Project video