
Project StatusOP ON DECEMBER 3RD 2020
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020
Design cycle4 year
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province广东
Project Location City广州
Project description(Chinese)本项目位处南沙明珠湾灵山岛尖。受当地自然风貌启发,提取岭南造园手法之精髓,通过对超高层办公楼、高层SOHO、LOFT公寓及低层办公别墅等建筑类型的精心规划和设计,创造出集文化传承与现代魅力于一身的建筑设计。 低层建筑错落有致,形成饶有趣味的景观庭院,双层幕墙设计,兼顾建筑形象与整体感。建筑群塑造了天际线,配以玻璃幕墙上变化的装饰条,仿如山峦起伏的背景。建筑外形相映成趣,空间组合多元丰富,成就这一重要的地标项目。
Project description(English)Guangzhou CCCC Centre is a large scale commercial development located in the Pearl Bay Cluster in Nansha. Comprised of a super high-rise office tower, two high-rise SOHO office, two LOFT office towers, nine Villas and a Clubhouse, the project provides a diverse and comprehensive architectural design to suit different enterprises. Inspired by local geographical environment and the spirit of Lingnan Garden, the design interprets and blends into the beautiful natural surroundings of the site. High-rise office towers along the edge of the site act as a mountainous backdrop. Curtain wall cladding in high-performance glazing and architectural fins are employed. Double façade and wooden aluminum louvres are utilized on the facade for the LOFT towers and office villas to complement the glass curtain wall system. As a result, they are unique at the same time merge with the beautiful context harmoniously.
Northeast Drone A
Northeast Drone B
Clubhouse East
Clubhouse Southeast A
Clubhouse Southeast B
Inner Plaza
Office Villa Facade Close-up A
Office Villa Facade Close-up B
Site Plan
Concept Illustration with Massing
Clubhouse Plan
Office Villa Plan
Grade A Office Plan
SOHO Office Plan
Project video