
Project StatusCOMPLETED
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020 - 03 - 31
Design cycle1 year
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province广东
Project Location City珠海
Project description(Chinese)本项目位于珠海市十字门中央商务区横琴岛,是一个多功能的综合体项目,容纳着甲级办公、会展中心、商务办公、商务公寓、零售餐饮等丰富业态。 本项目以中国传统绘画《九龙图》为意象,盘旋升起的建筑体量唤起人们对“蛟龙出海”的想像,优雅、灵动而充满力量感的建筑造型寓意着新生力量冲破藩篱、崭露头角。建筑的裙楼通过扭动的造型变换和塔楼连为一体,一气呵成,与横琴岛的碧海蓝天相呼应。
Project description(English)The project site is located in Plot #15 of offshore financial island in Hengqin Block of Shizimen CBD, and is classified as mixed-use land.All functional buildings shall be planned as a whole in order to forge the project into landmark buildings and meet building height requirements. Adjacent to mountains, seas, and conveniently surrounded by four metropolises: Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, the Hengqin New District possesses powerful momentum for future development. The design is an attempt at embodying a convergence of energy in architectural form. Inspired by the shapes of an ancient Chinese painting "Kowloon map", we seek to express the quality of speed, power, and vitality through architecture in an atmosphere of rising clouds. This is an example of the contemporary Chinese architecture that reflects the current growth of country as well as the hopes and dreams for the future.
Aerial view
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Site plan
Ground floor plan
Typical floor plan
Key elevation - Southeast
Key section
Project video