Project StatusCOMPLETED
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020
Design cycle6 month
Project Area
Project Location RegionThailand
Project Location ProvinceBANGKOK
Project Location CityBANGKOK
Project description(Chinese)一直以来,人与自然,其本身和相互之间便存在各式各样的矛盾。人们通常会消极地看待矛盾,但矛盾中却有着障眼之美。因此,“反讽”便构成了Base Saphanmai公寓项目的理念设计主体。这种方法从建筑上给人带来了超乎想象的兴奋之感,同时仍能保持其整体美感。该项目的主要美学元素灵感源于“女性主义”的概念。优雅一旦被发掘便可产生比眼前更多的价值。这种矛盾好比一位穿着长裙的纹身女士,既具有吸引力,又激发了人们探索的欲望。 在设计时,该公寓项目运用了纤薄与曲线的元素,以塑造一件轻薄长裙的形象,从而增添其优雅感。女性主义的理念也贯穿了整个项目的用色。譬如,公寓楼盘的主要部分采用棕灰色,外立面则采用米黄色和玫瑰金色。甄选的颜色组合旨在营造女性的形象。 进入Base Saphanmai公寓楼盘后,映入眼帘的便是用作共享办公空间的大厅。大厅的正面采用米黄色的多孔金属网打造,塑造出轻薄织物感。为了强化这一视觉感,多孔金属网从自然的直板设计改造成动感的曲线设计,从而体现大厅的优雅。这采用了材料自然形态去材料化的手法。通过这种方式,颠覆了我们对材料在其自然状态以外的用途的固有印象。因此,通过对改变材料,从视觉上形成反讽意味,呼应了该项目的主要理念。 楼盘的主体分为两个部分。这两栋双子塔通过位于六层的平台相连,贯通了整个项目。平台的中心设有一个中庭,可让自然光照射进“室内景观”空间。这处“室内景观”空间犹如户外花园/景观,但其仍在楼盘内,从而以具有户外特征的室内空间对“反讽”的理念再次进行了升华。 中庭外设有采用了曲线风格设计的秘密花园。秘密花园修长的曲线也突出了女权主义的元素。六楼屋顶的空中花园也体现了这一理念。六楼花园内各种色彩斑斓的植物也贯彻了该设计理念。 由于规定限制,电梯无法到达屋顶,故平台上的螺旋坡道便是前往屋顶的主要选择之一。因此,螺旋坡道不可或缺。然而,螺旋坡道不仅是常规的通道,同时也是该楼盘主要理念的一部分体现,力求在整个建筑内营造新的维度。虽然该项目以矩形设计为主,但显眼的螺旋坡道通过坡道的圆形曲线柔和了楼盘整体的格调。尽管螺旋坡道或会被认为与公寓楼盘的整体格调相矛盾,但同时,玫瑰金的坡道有助于提升楼盘的外观。 屋顶空间被分成两个区域:日出泻湖和日落花园。在日出泻湖区,有一个曲状的大型游泳池,多个微型岛屿错落有致地分布在整个泳池中。屋顶另一边的日落花园区则采用了与自然地形相似的外观设计,装饰有多个小山,辅以各种自然的曲线,以打造儿童游乐场。
Project description(English)Naturally, human and nature both have various conflict within themselves and towards each other. It may be viewed negatively, however, within the confrontation, there is beauty more than meets the eyes. Therefore, the word “irony” is a main part of the conceptual design for Base Saphanmai. It is a method to architecturally bring excitement beyond expectation, while still maintaining its overall aesthetic. The key aesthetic element in the project was inspired from the concept of “Feminism”. Once the gentleness is explored, there is more value than meets the eyes. Similar to the idea a tattooed lady in a dress, it is the contradiction that is attractive and brings out the urge to explore. When designing the condominium, the projects uses the element of thinness and curve to resemble the image of a light long dress, which brings out the elegance in the project. The concept of feminism is also carried throughout the project’s decision of colors. For instance, the main part of the condominium is painted in brownish gray, with the facade in the color of beige and rose gold. The combination of colors selected are intended to represent the image of a woman.
View from road, Front of Building.
there is a pavilion which is being used as a Co-Working Space. The facade of the pavilion consists of expanded metal in beige color to resemblance of a light fabric. To enhance the concept, the expanded metal is altered from a naturally straight sheet into a dynamic curve to indicate the gentleness of a pavilion
View from side
View from side
Skylight roof, view from the atrium
It is a space that resemblances an outdoor garden/landscape but is situated inside the building, which is also one of the methods to elevate the idea of “Irony” through this external interior space.
Spiral Ramp, it isn’t designed only for the universal accessibility, but it is also part of the main concept in trying to create a new dimension in the overall form of the building. Since most of the mass of the project is rectangular, the clearly visible spiral ramp was meant to soften the overall mass through the circular curve of the ramp.
On the sixth floor garden, the concept is implemented in the various mixture of plants in different colors.
Spiral Ramp
Although the spiral ramp can be viewed as contradiction to the overall mass of the condominium, but at the same time, the rose gold ramp help elevate the appearance of the condominium.
Spiral Ramp with tree pocket
Spiral Ramp
The Sunrise Lagoon zone, there is a large swimming pool in a curvature layout with multiple miniature islands spreading throughout the pool.
The Sunrise Lagoon zone
The Sunrise Lagoon zone
View from road, Front of Building.
When designing the condominium, the projects uses the element of thinness and curve to resemble the image of a light long dress, which brings out the elegance in the project. The concept of feminism is also carried throughout the project’s decision of colors. For instance, the main part of the condominium is painted in brownish gray, with the facade in the color of beige and rose gold. The combination of colors selected are intended to represent the image of a woman.
North-South Elevation
West-East Elevation
Project video