
Project Status在建,售楼处已建成
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2023 - 08 - 17
Design cycle3 year
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province江苏
Project Location City苏州
Project description(Chinese)源起:樟之盖兮麓下,云垂幄兮为帷——香樟树树冠广展,四季常青,郁郁葱葱。古江南传统,香樟树上常年挂有红布条,是人民祈福之地。“香樟”的记忆根植于苏州居民的传统记忆中。闲步于苏州城中,建筑围合出整饬有序的街巷,开合变幻的空间感受,居民在榕树下谈古论今、家长里短,幸福的笑声回弹撞击着白墙黛瓦,朴实热闹的生活画面给人留下了深刻的印象。 本案:启动区位于丽波路与天境南路交汇处,入口处两棵香樟郁郁葱葱,为建立建筑与场所的联系,香樟成为了设计出发点;建筑以一个简洁U型楔入场地,限定出半围合的庭院空间,围绕香樟树。延续江南人民围绕香樟树生活、休闲、祈福的生活场景。
Project description(English)Origin: Cinnamomum camphora trees cover the foot of the mountain, and the clouds hang down to make the curtain. The crown of Cinnamomum camphora trees is widely spread, evergreen and lush all the year round. In the ancient Jiangnan tradition, there are red strips hanging on camphor trees all the year round, which is a place for people to pray for blessings. The memory of "Camphor" is rooted in the traditional memory of Suzhou residents. Walking leisurely in Suzhou City, the buildings are surrounded by neat and orderly streets, opening and closing the changeable space feeling. The residents talk about the past and the present under the banyan trees, and their family members are short. The happy laughter rebounds against the white walls and tiles. The simple and lively life picture has left a deep impression on people. This case: the start-up area is located at the intersection of Libo road and Tianjing South Road. Two camphor trees at the entrance are lush. In order to establish the connection between the building and the place, camphor has become the starting point of the design; the building uses a simple U-shaped wedge into the site to limit the semi enclosed courtyard space around the camphor tree. It continues the life scene of people living, leisure and praying around camphor tree in Jiangnan.
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