
Project Status示范区已经竣工
TypeLandscape Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020
Design cycle2个月 month
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province安徽省
Project Location City池州
Project description(Chinese)人们对自然的理解,早已不仅仅局限于绿色与生态,更多的是对土地本身文化与哲学的探索。在城市化浪潮中,看惯了钢筋水泥林立的单调,人们对生活返璞归真的追求,对“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山“的向往,也变得格外强烈。对居所的追求也更青睐自然于生态,希望在返璞的状态下,找寻一处可以全身心放松、并自在感受场地的秘密之所。
Project description(English)People’s understanding of nature is not only limited for green and ecology, but also the exploration of local culture and philosophy of the land itself. In the wave of urbanization, people are used to the monotony of reinforced concrete forest. People’s pursuit of returning to the nature of life, and the yearning to see Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence of chrysanthemum picking have become particularly strong. The pursuit of residence also prefers nature to ecology, hoping to find a secret place where you can relax and feel the site freely in the state of returning to nature.
Project video