
Project Status 已建成
TypeLandscape Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2019
Design cycle3 year
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province江苏
Project Location City杭州
Project description(Chinese)位于钱塘江畔的仁恒滨江园是极简建筑与灵动景观一起呈现出的一处富有浓厚艺术氛围的示范区。一改传统售楼处的参观流线,景观设计希望给人一种“人在画中游”般的游廊体验,并通过每个节点空间来展示未来的生活场景。设计师首先梳理了空间形态与节奏,用方形的视觉语言将建筑和周围的景观融为一体。杭州的特色景观,如龙井茶田和西溪湿地等,被景观用现代简约的线条和体块呈现来营造出宛如游走画卷般的参观体验。
Project description(English)The landscape design for Times Garden displays space into an artistic and dynamic context for the visitors. From the beginning, the landscape architect drew inspiration from Longjing tea mountains and Xixi wet land, reinterpreting the ordinary experience of a sales gallery and creating spaces that complement and soften the geometric form of architecture. Thus, designer uses mainly square patterns for spatial layout and to reveal the natural form the same time. It addresses more specifically topographical issues of siting buildings as well as arranging internal and external settings. Each and every exterior spaces are created as coordinating sequential network, visually interconnected with surrounding interiors. The flow of space from one onto the next is never forced for while it creates a sense of continuity, it also stirs a sense of surprise.
Project video