
Project Status已建成
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020 - 05 - 13
Design cycle6 month
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province湖南
Project Location City长沙
Project description(Chinese)本案通过深度挖掘岳麓百年文脉赋予“学府”气质,门口通过对书籍陈列形态的再次转义,引出示范区的“学海泛舟”设计概念,简洁长弧线增加其轻盈感,立面的白色炫彩穿孔铝板的表皮,犹如活字印刷,再次强化书院文化。而立面、材质、施工的精益求精,加之景观与建筑的交映成景,打造出极具调性又兼具艺术、生活、自然和舒适的空间。
Project description(English)In this case, a deep excavation of Yuelu’s century-old context has given the “school” temperament. The doorway re-translates the form of book display, leading to the design concept of “learning sea rafting” in the demonstration area. The simple and long arc increases its sense of lightness and the facade is white. The skin of the colorful perforated aluminum plate, like movable type printing, once again strengthens the academy culture. The fa?ade, materials and construction are refined, coupled with the interaction between the landscape and the building, creating a space that is highly tonal but also full of art, life, nature and comfort.
▼项目鸟瞰,overall of the project
The long arc of the facade adds a sense of lightness to the form of the building, presenting a pure and simple beauty.
▼形体生成,generation diagram
▼项目外观,external view of the project
The entrance to the landscape space with "ink stone" as the title, showing the literati temperament with ink, rain and spring smoke.
▼项目外观,external view of the project
The facade of the second floor is made of white perforated aluminum. The small white box is an abstract expression of movable type.
The unit module of advance and retreat splices out the effect of gradual change, giving people a kind of visual feeling that the virtual and the real are born with each other and there is no supplement.
▼夜景,night view
The facade of the demonstration area adopts the skin design of white dazzling color perforated aluminum plate, and the combined elements are square, just like a movable type printed text, reflecting the academy culture.
▼夜景,night view
Reflection and light and shadow increase the spatial dimension with delicate methods, giving the geometric space a deeper experience.
Some people say: "Architecture is frozen music." "Another said," Music is a flowing architecture." The Yuelu Mountain Culture and Art Center is more like a white music box located on the west bank of xiangjiang River. When you look at it quietly, you will find a beautiful word in your heart. When the melody sounds, it gives people infinite surprise.
▼倒影与光影的碰撞,Reflection and shadow collision
Reflection and light and shadow increase the spatial dimension with delicate methods, giving the geometric space a deeper experience.
▼外观细部,facade detailed view
The building and the landscape interact to form a scene. The deer shaped sculpture with aura detonates the visual focus and creates a memory place with great tonality.
The change of aluminum plate is obtained by using parametric calculation, and nearly 11,000 300*300 cells carry out rhythmic changes on the building facade in 16 different displacement ways.
Two horizontal and vertical variation units are divided into 16 vertical variation units. Each group of variation units is diagonally divided into non-moving units and movable units.
Such unit combinations are distributed in a total of 16 groups in the vertical direction, and for each group of upward movable units, a displacement of 20mm will occur in both upward and inward directions. Concave and convex material under the action of light, show different light and shadow effect.
▼流动性的室内空间,the fluid interior space
Freud believes that "experience is a kind of momentary Fantasy: it is a memory of the past - a recollection of what was achieved in the past; it is also a feeling of the present - an image manifestation stored previously. "
Space interprets the modern art color. The essence of beauty is not isolated. It is not only in the field of aesthetics, but also in spirit and ideology.
Through the infinite circular space, the abstract elements give people the best space feeling; the circular elements are arranged and combined in the quadratic plane according to the visual effect of beauty and the principle of mechanics. It is a method to create images and study the arrangement between images by rational and logical reasoning. It is the combination of reason and sensibility.
The large-scale picture calmly envelops the visitors who have just entered the space. The feelings and images aroused by the visible world reproduce the beauty that may be covered or ignored in life, so that people can rediscover, gaze and feel life with a specific attitude or special angle.
中海 · 阅麓山项目意在传达艺术、生活、自然的美好境地。通过对未来生活场景的描摹,创造有意境的、让人有情感寄托的、唤起共鸣的“和而不同,各美其美”的多维空间体验。
Zhonghai · Yuelu Mountain project aims to convey the beauty of art, life and nature. Through the description of future life scenes, we create a multi-dimensional space experience of "harmony but difference, each with its own beauty" that has artistic conception, makes people have emotional sustination and evokes resonance.
Deer are seen in the woods. With deer as the title, lead us to explore the world in the dream, arrive at the secret land of light, the innocence in the dream, with growth.
With "ink ink" as the title, as the pen of space finishing point, convey with ink ink incense, rain belt spring smoke fine literati temperament.
The architecture and landscape interplay into the scene, creating a very tonal landscape memory point. On the boat, the quiet water against the sky and the building, on both sides of the wall shielding the external noise, buy a book a few, burning the midnight oil to read.
A book is like a ship, which leads us from a narrow place to the vast ocean of life. Taking the abstract "boat" as the design inspiration, the water features are cut and full of lines, forming rich landscape layers at random.
Idle court shadow, the life into a poem. The winding shady road, interspersed with comfortable and pleasant leisure space, describes the life scene among the forest in the large area, the poetic space where nature and art grow freely.
▼总平面图,master plan
▼立面构造分析,diagram of the façade
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
▼南/北立面图,elevation-south / north
▼东/西立面图,elevation-east / west
Project video