
Project Status已建成
TypeArchitectrual Design
Date completed (YYYY-MM-DD)2020 - 09 - 09
Design cycle4 year
Project Area
Project Location RegionChina
Project Location Province浙江
Project Location City杭州
Project description(Chinese)项目位于杭州市拱墅区-桃源新区,桃源新区北邻半山街区,南面为铁路北站用地,西面为规划的康桥仓储物流用地,东面为北景园居住区和规划的生态公园。规划总面积约182公顷,建筑面积275万平方米,距市中心武林广场仅10公里。桃源新区将是杭州主城北部具有鲜明时代特征、交通便捷、设施齐全、环境秀美的现代大型商贸居住区。地块所在的桃源单元位于主城北部,属拱墅区范围。规划力求处理好人、建筑、环境三者的关系,努力创造出有归属感、富亲和力的现代化居住空间。充分利用现有的自然条件、区位条件与交通条件,坚持高标准、高水平的要求,将地块建设成为环境优美、具有极大吸引力与品牌效应的现代化居住小区。基地周边建筑为现代风格为主。本案拟采用现代风格,米色、深褐色涂料,与南侧建筑风格呼应,同时强调水平向线条,塑造极简的现代建筑风格。北部进入桃源新区沈半路云锦路处立面顶部特殊处理,突出城市形象。本项目将为周边建筑竖起新的标杆。
Project description(English)The project is located in Gongshu District Taoyuan New District of Hangzhou City, which is adjacent to Banshan District in the north, North Railway Station in the south, Kangqiao storage and logistics land in the west, and beijingyuan residential area and ecological park in the East. With a total planning area of 182 hectares and a construction area of 2.75 million square meters, it is only 10 kilometers away from Wulin Square in the city center. Taoyuan new area will be a modern large-scale commercial residential area with distinctive characteristics of the times, convenient transportation, complete facilities and beautiful environment in the north of Hangzhou. Taoyuan unit, located in the north of the main city, belongs to Gongshu District. The planning strives to deal with the relationship among human, architecture and environment, and strive to create a modern living space with a sense of belonging and affinity. Make full use of the existing natural conditions, location conditions and traffic conditions, adhere to the requirements of high standards and high level, and build the plot into a modern residential district with beautiful environment, great attraction and brand effect. The buildings around the base are mainly of modern style. This project plans to adopt modern style, beige, dark brown paint, echo with the architectural style of the south side, at the same time, emphasize the horizontal lines, and create a minimalist modern architectural style. In the north, Yunjin Road, shenban Road, Taoyuan new area is specially treated at the top of the facade to highlight the image of the city. The project will set a new benchmark for the surrounding buildings.
Project video