HomeTeamNS is a clubhouse set up to recognise the invaluable contributions of Singapore’s National Servicemen. Through strategic urban design and a plethora of activities, the clubhouse acts as a social catalyst in the Khatib public housing residential estate—serving as the community’s ‘extended home’. In addition, the traditional perception of a home; one made of fortified borders for protection, was reinterpreted to embody the values of a forward-looking peacekeeping force of Singapore’s modern society. One experiences this differentiation when approaching the weighted concrete frontage that gradually reveals welcoming entrances that are open and robust. The programs are enveloped within tartan-staggered walls and slender swelled columns aligned along the building façade, and architectural expression that reflects the unity among the members of the HomeTeam community.

Project Information

6 months

Consultant firms

DP Architects Pte Ltd
DP Green Pte Ltd
DP Architects Pte Ltd
DP Architects Pte Ltd
DP Architects Pte Ltd


Ng Ching Hsiung, Johann Lim, Josiah Leong