
完成日期 (YYYY-MM-DD)2019 - 10 - 25
设计周期1 年
项目简介(中文)凯悦酒店集团下亚洲第一家精品生活方式酒店品牌Joie de Vivre - 首北兆龙饭店坐落于北京最具活力的社交腹地三里屯。1985年邓小平亲自为“兆龙饭店”题写店名并出席开业剪彩,时隔34年后,北资本聘请施坦伯格负责酒店的整体室内翻新、外立面升级及景观设计。区别于传统酒店,全新的首北兆龙饭店成为了一个集人文、艺术、商业及精品酒店的创新社交中心。在结构的限制下,施坦伯格把原先传统的酒店设施重新塑造为多元化的体验型社交场所。
项目简介(英文)BEI Zhaolong hotel – a Joie de Vivre Hotel, is the first boutique lifestyle hotel in Asia for Hyatt’s JDV brand. It is located in Sanlitun, Beijing’s vibrant social destination for STAY, WORK and PLAY. In 1985, Deng Xiaoping and many national leaders participated in the opening ceremony of Zhaolong Hotel. 34 years after the original construction, Bei Capital engaged Steinberg Hart to completely reimagine the building including full interior renovation, façade upgrade and landscape design. The new Bei Zhaolong hotel challenges the norms of traditional hotels by creating a new social lifestyle hub integrating culture, humanities, art, and commercial spaces with a youthful boutique hotel. Working within the confines of the old structure, the large dedicated spaces previously dedicated to traditional hotel amenities are replaced by vibrant, experiential commercial venues that better serve a new generation of travelers, local workers and residents, generating critical revenue and allowing for a very competitive average daily rate for discerning hotel guests.
俯瞰首北兆龙饭店全景 Aerial View @ JDV Hotel
酒店入口 Hotel entry @ JDV Hotel
一层平面图 L1 Site Plan @ Steinberg Hart
中庭剖面图 the Atrium Section B-B @ Steinberg Hart
中庭改造前后对比 Atrium Before and After
活动中庭 Event Hub Atrium @ Chiara Ye
中庭剖面图 Atrium Section A-A @ Steinberg Hart
入口通往二层前台 New Hotel Entry L2 reception @ Chiara Ye
酒店入口楼梯 Multi-Sensory Connections at New Hotel Entry stair @ Chiara Ye
酒店画廊入口体验改造前后对比 Hotel Entry Experience Before and After
酒店前台由一层改到二层的改造前后对比 Hotel Reception Before-L1 and After-L2
二层平面图 L2 Plan @ Steinberg Hart
二层大堂吧改造前后对比 2F Lobby Bar @ Before and After
二层大堂吧 2F Lobby Bar @ Chiara Ye
二层多功能长桌 2F Multi-functional communal table @ Chiara Ye
二层休息区 2F Circle Lounge @ Chiara Ye
二层休息区 2F Circle Lounge @ JDV Hotel
中庭楼梯改造前后对比 Central Staircase Before and After
中庭楼梯 Central Staircase with Art @ Zhengwei Liu
三层平面图 L3 Plan @ Steinberg Hart
三层米其林餐厅LINGLONG 3F Commercial Michellin Restaurant @ Chiara Ye
三层多功能厅改造前后对比 3F Multi-function Before and After - THE WHITE BOX
三层多功能前厅改造前后对比 3F Pre-function @ Before and After
从三层看向二层吧台 3F Multi-sensory connections @ Chiara Ye
标准层平面图 Typical Guest Floor Plan @ Steinberg Hart
客房走廊改造前后对比 Guest Floor corridor Before and After
标准大床房改造前后对比 Guestroom Typical King @ Before and After
L20-21行政楼层平面图 L20-21 Executive Floor Plan @ Steinberg Hart
行政套房 Executive Flex-Suite @ Steinberg Hart
行政套房 Guestroom - Ambassador Suite @ JDV Hotel