Haiyuejiang Chao Sales Office of Fuzhou Rongxin

Rongxin Haiyuejiang Chaozhou Sales Office is renovated from an ancient house. The first one can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty. The second and third courtyards were built in the Republic of China. From the perspective of the protection and inheritance of historical heritage, the idea of Le Shang design is also clear and can be followed – strict protection, positive inheritance, so that the past and present of Fuzhou overlap each other and construct a continuing future. Continue the culture, let the old and the new weave a sense of ancient space scene, let the profound charm of history wrap around the warmth of time, humanistic and artistic meaningfulness, create a unique Chinese homestead and place of spiritual belonging to the body and mind.

Project Information

Fuzhou Rongxin
82,000 sqm
800 sqm
150 days

Consultant firms



Ping Zhou