
完成日期 (YYYY-MM-DD)2016 - 12
设计周期2 年
项目简介(中文) 项目位于黄浦江南岸,紧邻陆家嘴金融贸易区。用地面积31616.8㎡,容积率2.5,总建筑面积111782.37㎡。产品包括多层住宅、高层住宅及商业配套。 小区主入口设置在昌邑路上,设计有一个大型入口广场空间,既可以做为小区与城市界面的过渡,也兼做出租车上下客使用。昌邑路上位于西侧另设消防车紧急出入口。小区在滨江路上设置两个车行入口,一个为小区居民机动车下地库服务,一个为消防车紧急出入口。小区内规划道路交通人车分流,区内部道路主要宽度为4m仅供消防车紧急情况下使用。道路都呈环形设置,线型有力、流畅,通过道路骨架系统贯连各个不同类型的塔楼,强调几何次序感 建筑造型借鉴美式大宅元素,立面逐层收分的方式,外立面采用PC石材反打技术,赋予建筑物恒定、坚固、沉稳与庄重的形体和气度。
项目简介(英文) The project is located on the south bank of the Huangpu River and is adjacent to the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Area. The land area is 31616.8 ㎡, the area ratio is 2.5, and the total construction area is 111782.37 ㎡. Products include multi-storey residential, high-rise residential and commercial supporting. The main entrance of the community is located on Changyi Road and a large entrance square space is designed. It can be used as a transition between the community and the city interface, and it can also be used as a taxi passenger. Changyi Road is located on the West side of another fire engine emergency entrance. The community set up two entrances to the dealership on Binjiang Road, one for the residents of the community to service the basement and one for the emergency entrance of the fire engine. In the district, road traffic is planned to be diverted. The main width of the internal road in the district is 4m for fire engine emergency use only. The roads are arranged in a circular shape, with strong and smooth lines. Through the road skeleton system, various types of towers are connected, emphasizing the sense of geometric order. The style of the building draws on the elements of the American mansion and the way the facade is scored layer by layer. The facade uses PC stone anti-hitting technology to give the building a constant, solid, steady and dignified shape and gas.