Vipshop Headquarters

The architectural concept for the company headquarters was for a horizontally layered office landscape. A ten-story plinth connects all three building plots of the angular site, straddling the respective roads. On this basis, the overall volume and the arrangement of the vertical circulation systems were developed with the aim of creating a maximum of office spaces with attractive views across the river and city. The different functional areas of the building are visually layered, separated by vertical incisions and floors with special functions appearing as joints. Two slender towers rising up from the plinth structure add a strong vertical accent. The plain, horizontally-structured facades with floor-to-ceiling glazing give the office complex a unified appearance, which means that the headquarters can be recognized from afar and identified as the new address of the online corporation.

Project Information

4 years

Consultant firms

Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten; 深圳市龙易凤园林景观设计有限公司
Schlotfeldt Licht; 北京大观格瑞照明设计有限公司


曼哈德·冯·格康, 施特凡·胥茨, 尼古拉斯·博兰克
竞赛阶段项目负责人:Clemens Kampermann 竞赛阶段设计团队:Jan Peter Deml,Thomas Muncke,Dimitri Philippe,Burkhard Pick,Anastasiya Vitusevych,Thilo Zehme,张吟,Katarzyna Zaczek 实施阶段项目负责人:Clemens Kampermann 实施阶段代理负责人:Tobias Keyl 实施阶段设计团队:Andreas Götze,何多舒,Astrid Jahncke,Karolina Korona,刘叙达,Giuseppe Malfona,Simone Matthey de L'Endroit,毛安德,潘昕,Dimitri Philippe,Andrea Pisanu,Kristin Schoyerer,汤子泓,Alberto Vallejo,曾雅涵,张起意,张吟,韦志林 中国项目管理:徐吉,秦炜